The Jedi mind trick “these aren’t the droids you were looking for” could really be a usage of the Suggestion spell in the Faerun universe. With the right technique, this spell may be utilized both inside and outside of battle and is a lot of fun to use.

But how is the magic used? Why are suggestions such a potent tool? And when is the right time to employ it to obtain what you want from your adversaries? This is our recommended 5e Dungeons & Dragons guide.

The Suggestion 5e Spell: What Is It?

These are the spell’s statistics. Here are the statistics based on the player’s handbook, however we will divide the lengthy description into manageable chunks:

  • Level two enchantment
  • One action while casting
  • 30-foot range
  • Components: V M (a drop of sweet oil or a little piece of honeycomb and a snake’s tongue)
  • Duration: Up to eight hours of concentration
  • Classes: Wizard, Warlock, Sorcerer, and Bard

Now that we’ve broken out the statistics, we can see that Suggestion is a second-level spell with a 30-foot range and an action cost of one. You require both a material and verbal component, such as a drop of honeycomb or sweet oil and a snake’s tongue.

The spell may last up to eight hours, which is a considerable time, but maintaining it requires focus. Lastly, the spell may be used by Wizards, Warlocks, Sorcerers, and Bards.

This D&D spell’s material components can be a little challenging, but we’ll go over that. What does the spell accomplish now?

The Impact Of The Spell Of Suggestion 5e

You only have a phrase or two to complete since you are doing the action first (roughly six seconds in battle). However, you can use the spell to make a monster do something. The creature must be able to hear and comprehend you; if it is not susceptible to the enchanted effect, the spell cannot work on it.

Additionally, you cannot advise the creature to hurt itself or put itself in danger; the suggestion must seem sensible. It is not possible to use the spell to ask a bugbear to jump off a cliff or a kobold to cross a rushing river; in fact, doing so will break the spell.

The target must attempt a Wisdom saving throw after you make the suggestion, and if they are unsuccessful, they must try their hardest to complete the activity. They can keep doing this for the entire eight hours; if they are unable to complete the assignment, the spell will cease. Another option is to provide the target with a trigger. For instance, you could advise a bandit to donate his treasure chest to the first person from the general public he encounters.

Now, the trigger cannot be met and the enchantment is broken if this bandit roams around without encountering any commoners. Lastly, if you or your allies actually deal damage to the target that is under Suggestion, the spell will also end.

Who Is Able to Cast Suggestions?

The Suggestion spell is available to third-class wizards, bards, sorcerers, warlocks, and knowledge domain clerics. When Eldritch Knights and Arcane Tricksters first get access to third-level spell slots, they can both start casting the spell at level 10.

For the Bards and Arcane Tricksters, who will be slicking their way into and out of a number of situations over the campaign, it is unquestionably on-brand among these classes.

However, it will be quite useful for anyone with a high enough spellcasting modifier. If they won’t be concentrating on their spellcasting, Eldritch Knights and Arcane Tricksters may wish to pass on the spell in favor of something more damaging.

Where Should I Get Suggestions and When?

Suggestion is ideal for the party’s “face” — the person who is skilled at interacting with others — because it is more helpful for roleplaying than for fighting. This spell is generally not going to be useful if you’re portraying a shy person or someone who shuns social situations. It works particularly well in campaigns that are centered around information gathering or mystery solving, but if your game is more about fighting, you might want to choose different spells.

Suggestion can be used by any spellcaster, although it feels like a spell for bards. This spell is ideal for bards, who are very skilled in influencing others. Although it isn’t a perfect fit for their playstyle, Arcane Tricksters can also benefit from it.

Suggestion will appear later if you’re playing a character that doesn’t concentrate on casting because those classes don’t receive as many spell slots. However, this one can be really powerful if you’re playing a class that focuses on casting spells. It’s especially useful if you have a high casting modifier, which makes it more difficult for opponents to resist.

Best Uses of Suggestion 5e

In Dungeons & Dragons, the Suggestion 5e spell is a flexible and effective tool for manipulation and original problem-solving. Here are a few inventive uses for it:

1. Solving Problems Creatively
  • Alter the Environment: Propose that someone (such as a villager or a guard) move a cart that is obstructing a passage or shut a door to form a barrier in order to change the scenario.
  • Information Gathering: Ask an NPC to divulge a secret or provide crucial details, such as the location of a treasure or a secret entrance.
2. Manipulation of society
  • Impact NPCs: Use suggestions to get a merchant to grant a discount or to get a guard to allow the group pass without being inspected.
  • Distraction: To divert an enemy group’s attention and give your party a chance to attack or flee, propose that they start a dance-off or a trivia competition.
3. Opportunities for Role-Playing
  • Character Development: To go deeper into your character’s personality, use suggestion. For example, you may encourage a timid character to act bravely or a villain to disclose their intentions.
  • Moral Dilemmas: Make recommendations that go against the party’s principles, such as persuading an ally to violate a trust or disclosing a covert agenda.
    4. Battle Strategies
    • Disorienting Enemies: To cause confusion and lower the threat level, suggest that an adversary attack their comrades or run away from conflict.
    • Encourage an adversary to “run away” or “take cover,” which will lead them to break formation or leave their strategic location.
    5. Uses in Exploring
    • Navigational Aid: In order to avoid danger, a local guide may advise the group to take a different path or lead them to a certain spot.
    • Environmental Interaction: To get a creature or object in the environment to do something, use suggestion. For example, a tree may “suggest” that a creature drop fruit in order to divert it.

      Suggestion 5e ” Do They Know “

      The short answer is no; unless a creature makes a successful Wisdom saving throw, they are not naturally aware that they are being influenced by Suggestion.

      Here’s how it works:

      • Failure to resist: The creature is not aware that their actions are being influenced if they are unable to make their Wisdom saving attempt. Even if the advice goes against their normal conduct or objectives, they just act upon it as though it were their own. The creature is just forced to act; they are not shown the spell.
      • Saving throw success: The creature is aware of the suggestion and understands that it is an attempt to sway them if they are successful in their Wisdom saving throw. In this instance, the creature is aware that someone was attempting to change their behavior, and the spell has no impact.

      How to Use Suggestion 5e?

      This is a brief guide on using Suggestion in D&D 5e:

      1. Applying the Spell

      • Level of Spell Casting : Second-level Enchantment
      • Casting Range : 30 feet;
      • Frequency : 1 action
      • Components : Spoken (you express the recommendation)
      • Duration : Until the activity is finished or the allotted time expires, up to eight hours

      2. Targeting

      You pick one animal that speaks your language and is within thirty feet.

      3. Presenting The Suggestion

      The recommendation must be stated in a way that is both logical and safe. The target should be able to perform it physically and not be in immediate danger. For instance:

      “Please walk away from here.”
      “Take a seat for 10 minutes.”
      “Give me the key and leave the room.”

      4. Throw of Wisdom Saving

      A Wisdom saving throw must be made by the target:

      • Failure: The target must adhere to your recommendation for the full eight hours.
      • Success: The creature knows that you attempted to sway them, and the suggestion has no impact.

      5. Things to Think About

      A reasonable suggestion is one that is both workable and non-destructive.

      • Time Limit: The goal adheres to the recommendation for a maximum of eight hours, or until it is finished.
      • Strategic Use: Employ suggestion to influence behavior, divert adversaries, or steer clear of conflict.

      How to Use Mass Suggestion 5e Concentration? ( Is it a Concentration spell?)

      In D&D 5e, Mass Suggestion is indeed a spell that requires concentration. This is an explanation of how it works:

        • Level: 6th-level Enchantment
        • Casting Time: 1 action
        • Range: 60 feet
        • Components: Verbal (you must speak the suggestion)
        • Duration: Up to 24 hours (while concentrating)

        Up to 12 creatures that are visible within range can be targeted.

        Every creature has to make a saving attempt based on Wisdom. The creature complies with the recommendation for a maximum of 24 hours after a failed save, or until the assignment is finished.

        The recommendation must be harmless and reasonable. It affects several targets simultaneously and is a stronger variant of the standard Suggestion spell.


        You can only focus on one spell at a time because Mass Suggestion necessitates concentration. You lose the effect of Mass Suggestion if you take damage or cast another concentration spell (and fail your concentration check).

        Strategic Use:

        You can use mass suggestion to manage sizable crowds, influence conduct, or create scenarios that steer clear of conflict, divert attention, or help your party in a variety of circumstances. Just keep in mind to stay focused throughout, particularly if you’re utilizing it in a stressful or combat-heavy scenario.

        Is the Suggestion Good?

        Because of its adaptability, the Suggestion spell is highly prized. It can be used to obtain important information, such as what a target considers valuable or dangerous, or it can be used to coerce an innocent action.

        Its affordability is its primary advantage. Being a second-level spell, there is little chance of failure and little work required to reap the reward of learning crucial information.

        Another benefit of suggestion is that it is imperceptible and difficult to reverse. Since it’s not a curse, unlike Geas, it cannot be eliminated by a Restoration spell, and the target is not aware that they were affected, hence there is no retaliation against the caster.

        Five Reasonable D&D 5e Commands for Suggestions

        1. “Give your money to me.”

        This one can be used for both reconnaissance and practical purposes. Even while some people could argue that “more money, more problems,” to us average people, having more money usually means being more comfortable. That information would likewise be disclosed by a character that is unable to pay you their money.

        2. “Tell me about your work.”

        A rather harmless request, but one that might also be exploited to expose “classified” information. Characters who are unable to disclose their jobs would not, but those who do not want to would be forced to do so.

        3. “Get us a cart and a horse, but don’t tell me how.”

        Indeed. You can force someone to steal on your behalf without disclosing how or from whom they did it. Since they can likely steal a cart and horse from a number of people, this one is much less likely to result in “cannot do.”

        4. “Stop chatting. Wait until I order you to stop talking.

        If an NPC is persistently chatting, you can always force them to stop until you give them the order to resume. Rarely, if at all, would this one encounter a character who is unable of doing so; nonetheless, your DM will make that determination.

        5. “Start screaming and wailing like you’re possessed when I say [trigger word].”

        Without a doubt, this one is borderline. Your DM might decide that it follows the self-preservation rule if the area you’re in has a reputation for witch hunts. But in a lot of situations, this might be a totally reasonable instruction that the player could carry out to demonstrate their strength in a dramatic way.

        Five Irrational Commands

        1. “Assist us.”

        The notion that battling you and all of your friends won’t hurt them is a lie.

        2. “Betray your boss.”

        This command, along with any modifications, will typically cause the creature to die, either at your hands or at the hands of its leader.

        3. “Turn yourself off the bridge when you’re done helping us.”

        You cannot blatantly order someone to end their own life.

        4. “Tell us lies.”

        Because lying to you could be interpreted as an overt desire to be killed, a character might think this is immediately damaging.

        5. “Disclose your sinister secret.”

        Depending on the secret, this order could be interpreted as immediately and visibly detrimental or even as going against the character’s self-preservation.


        Does Suggestion work for Fey Ancestry?

        No! On a saving throw, Fey Ancestry grants you an advantage over Charmed. According to the proposal’s phrasing, people who are immune to being Charmed are immune. The spell’s wording, however, makes no mention of this causing the Charmed condition. Fey Ancestry does not engage with it as a result.

        Is the person you are suggesting aware that you have enchanted them?

        It’s unclear if the person you’re suggesting is aware that you’ve enchanted them. Since the spell doesn’t specify that the target will turn hostile when it’s over, it’s safe to presume that they are unaware of who cast it.

        How much is “reasonable” for a suggestion?

        “Rational” would mean anything that does not immediately conflict with the creature’s instinct for self-preservation.

        Can Suggestion be used in combat?

        Suggestion can be used in combat, yes. Its precise phrasing, however, might have to be somewhat left to the DM’s judgment as to what would be deemed “immediately and apparently harmful.”

        What are the rules for suggestions in 5e?

        In D&D 5e, Suggestion is a 2nd-level enchantment spell with the following rules:
        Casting Time: 1 action
        Range: 30 feet
        Duration: Up to 8 hours (concentration)
        Target: One creature that can understand your language
        Effect: You suggest a reasonable action. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, they follow your suggestion to the best of their ability.
        Limitations: The suggestion must be feasible and cannot be directly harmful to the target.
        Success: If the target succeeds, the spell has no effect, and they know you attempted to influence them.
        Undetectable: The target is unaware they’ve been influenced unless they succeed in the saving throw.

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